Sowing In January…In Ireland..?

Well, in the last 10 days I have been outside more often than in the last 2 months. What a great feeling to connect with the earthy aroma of the great outdoors again. Down on my hands and knees picking stones out of the newly dug paths,which was not done last year due to timing, was a good feeling….wooh…never thought I would ever say that..LOL!

Having set up some of my seed trays and seeing those peas all standing to attention, I could not resist the temptation to sow a “few” seeds, just to see if they would germinate in January. I put them in unheated propagators ….I don’t have heated ones……but I also wrapped them in bubble wrap. Just my little Irish project..:)

Now, I must admit that we have had a really mild winter and only 2 frosts so far. So here’s hoping, but if not, I will not have lost any time.

Here are a few photos of what I have been doing in the tunnel, clearing stones and extending the beds by losing wide paths. I can always tiptoe through the veggies..LOL!

Seedlings all tucked up nicely!



Yesterday and today, I moved raised beds into the tunnel.

Top left of pic is yesterday’s one. I forgot to bring camera with me today..too busy !

I sowed one row of spring onions and one row of mixed lettuce in the raised bed and covered it with a sheet of glass.

I can’t wait to get going full time….who loves their job as much as me ???

Rossi does NOT look impressed!









Roll On February 🙂